How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health In The Best Way

Over thirty years ago, a German physician, Dr. Hans Neiper, faced with the problems that are still unresolved by mainstream medicine today, looked to nature to find a way that would deal with all and any type of inflammation.

Inflammation is anything in the body that should not be there. Any “non-living tissue”. And quite simply, this is just about anything that causes pain. Blockages, such as in the head or chest from mucus, like catarrh, sinus or bronchial problems, asthma, emphysema, or industrially induced problems including asbestosis.

Things like blood clots, prostate problems, arthritis, ulcers, and a mass of other problems that your doctor will tell you cannot be helped are all caused by inflammation.

Serrapeptase is the enzyme that the silkworm uses to dissolve its cocoon. Dr. Neiper realized that if the silkworm when it turns from being the worm into a moth, and it does so in a very short time, must have something that dissolves “non-living tissue” because the cocoon is a hard structure of dead tissue.

Dr. Neiper separated the enzyme, gave it to his patients, and achieved staggering results, very quickly.

He gave it to one patient due for amputation of a hand because of a blocked artery. It cleared the blockage and the man kept his hand. He also reported that Serrapeptase dissolved blood clots and caused varicose veins to shrink or diminish.

To achieve the huge amount required in the world today, Serrapeptase is now naturally processed commercially through fermentation. Histological studies have revealed powerful anti-inflammatory effects of this naturally occurring enzyme.

Known possible benefits may be the resolving of pain; dealing with lung problems; eye problems; ENT problems (Ear-Nose-Throat); trauma; inflammation of any kind; cardiovascular difficulties and very importantly, arthritis.

In 25 years of being prescribed by German doctors, no harmful side effects have been reported.

Serrapeptase can and does, resolve many problems that doctors tell us are insoluble.

However, we need to remember that many of the problems we experience with our health are often closely tied to our diet.

If we eat junk food, we will get junk health. When shopping in the supermarket, look at the labels. How many E numbers or things that are clearly not proper, natural food are there in the packet?

Also, anything that is in the form of so-called “sugar-free” invariably contains aspartame and other things that are detrimental to our health. So, try to keep to a good diet.

Alternative remedies, many of which have stood the test of time, in some cases many hundreds of years, finally offer hope to a lot of people.

Serrapeptase is a recent addition to the list, being “discovered” only 35 or so years ago. But it is one that works for many people.

The Magic Lamp And Generic Viagra

Aladdin was happily spending marvelous days in his residence with the gorgeous member of the royal family. Life had become very easy for him and he was stress-free and satisfied. The castle was large and he had many employees to offer his every whim.

The girl was very naughty, however. Sex, sex, sex, that was all she shouted every morning and though this had been wonderful, to begin with, he finished tired of her sexual orders. Thus to his great disappointment, there had been a few moments, occasions, events, incidents necessitate her.

She had taken it well but he knew that she would be making efforts to get him beside her, into the sack as soon as she could. He wanted to rest! He liked the sex and he admired her but he was exhausted and Little Aladdin was dreadfully needing a night off to recuperate his health.

It was not to be and once the maids left, she pounced again and caressed his neck kissing and nibbling.

Shall I caress your magic lamp and see what the genie offers me tonight,” she giggled sexily.

“The genie! Yes, of course,” he shouted, letting her fall down the floor rushing to the clandestine room where he kept the magic lamp. “I’ll be back!”

The sprite was bored and indolent but hadn’t seen Aladdin for ages so he paused in his monotony and bowed deeply.” sir” he intoned.

Aladdin explained his dilemma1, “so you see,” he finished, “I just need a medicine that will assist me to keep the princess sexually happy until I recover some energy.”

“What you demand is a month-long holiday,” said the genie, “But I suppose this might help.” With a magic movement, he manufactures a small lozenge and said that it was called generic Viagra and that it would support him to keep have sexual activity he was required to report for duty.

Aladdin got the generic Viagra and swallowed it down immediately.

The genie handed him a generic Cialis to keep him going over the weekend and Aladdin dashed off with a hasty thank you.

The Spirit settled down to sleep; pleased he had fulfilled his duty.

The princess was angry but when she took pleasure in the gift she received that Aladdin had brought her, courtesy of the generic Viagra, she was delighted and kept him entertained with the passionate offers she had for him.

Aladdin was very pleased that he had a Magician, and was delighted that he could help him!


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